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Payment Code?
We moved to an ICR Touch based EPOS system 3 months ago, purchased from an ICR Touch dealer, with support.
We were told that the licenses we'd purchased were "lifetime" licenses - it came up with a dialog today asking for a payment code (which the dealer has helpfully provided) - is this something you have to regularly input in ICR Touch? The dealer told me this is normal, happens every 30 to 60 days, and I suppose I'm just looking for some clarification on that.
Once the software is installed, it will ask for a payment code after a period of time, with a 28 day countdown.
You can either get a temporary code, which will extend it for another 28 days before it asks again, or a permanent code, which will then mean it never asks you again unless you swap out the hardware or something else that requires relicensing.