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Casio SE-G1 Reset PLU totals?
Please could someone tell me how to zero the daily PLU totals?
I read the PLU Report by using X, 1, CA/AMT and then do a Z Report. The Z Report clears all the Dept totals but not the PLU totals.
This is driving me nuts! Can't find the answer anywhere! Hoping you can help!
Are you seeing plu totals on your Z report? The SE G1 is probably the most basic till Casio offer, I though it only showed by department rather than an option of by plu?
Are you seeing plu totals on your Z report? The SE G1 is probably the most basic till Casio offer, I though it only showed by department rather than an option of by plu?
Thank you for replying to my post. The Z report shows and clears department totals, no plu totals - they are on the X report. I don't see the point of having PLUs if you can't get daily totals from them. You're right, it's a very basic model, but thought that if you could have PLUs, then surely you must be able to report on them properly.
I'm not aware of a way on the SE-G1, almost any till above that grade will give plu reports however.
guess this is a perfect example of - you get what you pay for!
casio seem to be flooding the market with cheap hardware - people go off and buy it but then wonder why a call out charge writes them off.
get something decent from the beginning - long term you save money - trust me.