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ms7 120 on rs232 to be converted to usb
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Much appreciated
I currently have a ms7120 scanner which is on a epos connected via rs232. I have unplugged the scanner only from the cable and connected it to a usb cable on a different till but the scanner will not pick up the barcode at all but does power up .
I have the setup manual with barcode but I am not sure which settings is required for it to work on usb or to even pick up the barcode
Any advise would be great.
Thank you
I'm pretty sure that the scanners interface boards are different - you cant just plug an rs232 head into a usb cable [you will see on the scanner serial number label that it will be designated either usb or rs232] at very least, there will be jumpers inside the unit - but as its a precision setup of lasers lenses and mirrors - I certainly wouldn't recommend taking it apart to find out!
if its connected to a pos terminal, you should have a spare comms port.