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Sharp up-800 series
Hi to all,
I've been browsing through the posts in this section in a vain hope of finding the required information. I have a customer who has two UP-811F/N units, both are working fine and they use a piece of software called StockMan v5.
On a daily basis they link up a laptop, fire up the software, which is connected via a network hub and read both tills' data (X read, Z Read and PLU info)
Now I have looked through the data produced and I am looking to provide a gui database system so they can program the PLU information and download in a slightly better way. The only part I need for the moment is the communications side of things, the rest is straight forward and comes out out as formatted data, which can be imported into tables, manipulated then returned in the correct format (OK that's my forte, data manipulation).
I've looked through the dat files created by stockman, one of which is called Loc01, the data stored is the following
",Ecr018,Location 1.1,,1,9600,"o,7,1",192,168,4,1,49152,1,1,,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,5,1,1,1,0,,2,2,1,0,"
The parts seem to be Till identity, then the location details and communications protocol, followed by an IP address, then possibly an initialisation string, though not sure.
If I can find a way of talking to the till and downloading directly, or I just fire up the stockman program, then download, manipulate, then restore using Stockman, which while a bit easier in some respects, I have to pull apart all the dat files, then replace them rather than doing it directly - which is a bit more elegant and could lead to a solution, which I could provide, once I've nailed the protocol - RS232 over ethernet?
I know its an ask, just wonder if any had thoughts in this direction?
Many thanks - sorry for the ramble
Alan H.