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Uniwell Dx890 Problems

6 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 38
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Eminent Member
Joined: 16 years ago

Hi everyone
I've got two problems I can't fix

1st is I need to program a plu that staff in my pub can use for free staff splashes of coke of lemonade.

e.g when staff member buys a vodka and lemonade or coke and do I link these to the full price plu's ???

2nd thing is if I want to give away free shots whats the best way to account for these on the dx890. Do I need to set up seperate plus or can i do this on normal price plu's.

Help greatly appreciated

5 Replies
Posts: 29
Eminent Member
Joined: 15 years ago

Hi Billy,

If nobody else replies, I will be able to post some details tomorrow afternoon if you can wait.


Posts: 29
Eminent Member
Joined: 15 years ago

Hi Billy,

Just a couple of questions:

1. Do you have back office software and if so what is it?
2. Your free staff splashes - How do you want this to be shown in your sales reports?
3. Your free shots - How do you want this to be shown in your sales reports?

It sounds like your trying to achieve a similar outcome on both of these.

If you only want to change the price then you could use the adjustments option but you won't get a breakdown of what has been adjusted. In other words, you'll get the correct cash figure (Z-01) but your Groups and PLU report (Z-41) will still show the gross amount.

If you want to know how many of what has been put through you could use a different price level or the complimentary button.

Post back and let me know.


Posts: 38
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Eminent Member
Joined: 16 years ago

i'm pretty sure all my boss wants is the amount that have been given away as free but if you can can you send me both options.

If I use a complimentary option will it be just on the plus i choose as i dont want staff taking advantage and using button on other items.

Or if i use a different price level will i have to reprice all plus to that that are on that level?


Posts: 29
Eminent Member
Joined: 15 years ago

Hi Billy,

Ok, it sounds like the best (and easiest) option would be to use the Adjustments feature. Shifting to another price level is a bit more involved.

I'm going to assume that you are not already using the Adjustment feature.

For the instructions below, turn the key to 'SP' and log on with a managers code and go into [Prog Funcs].
1. Set both Adjustment percentages to 99.99%.
a. Go into SP-153.
b. Press [Enter], then enter "99.99" and press [Enter] again - This will change the first Adjustment to 99.99%
c. Highlight the second one and press [Enter], then enter "99.99" and press [Enter] again - Now both should have "99.99" against them.
d. Press [Clear] to come back out to the main list.

2. Rename Adjustment user text to "Staff Disc" and the other to "Free Shot" - You can name these as you see fit (up to 10 characters).
a. Go into SP-130
b. Highlight number 18 and press [Enter].
c. Change the text to "Staff Disc" or whatever you want and press [Enter] again.
d. Go into number 19 on the list and change the text again, to "Free Shot" or whatever you want and press [Enter].
e. Press [Clear] to come back to the main list.

3. Assign the two adjustments to the screen and rename the button text.

a. Go into SP-850
b. Press [Enter] to go into "Function Buttons".
c. On the first page (near the bottom of list), highlight "Adjustment 1" then press where you want the button to be - **Be very careful here, not to press any other button or you'll overwrite it**
d. Now highlight "Adjustment 2" and press where you want that button to be - Again be carefull!
e. Press [Clear] - Its at the top of the screen.
f. Now highlight "Button Caption" and press [Enter].
g. Press the Adjustment 1 button that you put on the screen, then change the text and press [Enter] when finished.
h. Press the Adjustment 2 button that you put on the screen, then change the text and press [Enter] when finished.
i. Press [Clear] until you come back to the main program list.

4. Assign the Adjustments to the PLU's.
a. Go into SP-122.
b. Enter in your PLU code that you want to be discounted.
c. Scroll down to Flag 3 and press [Enter].
d. Now, in here you will see the two options "Adjustment 1" and "Adjustment 2" - If it was a Staff Disc highlight "Adjustment 1" and press [Enter] to change it to "Yes". If it was a "Free Shot" then highlight "Adjustment 2" and press [Enter] to change it to "Yes".
e. Press [Clear] to come back to where it asks for another PLU number - You then enter another PLU to be changed and go through the same process c.
f. When finished press [Clear] a few times then press [Clerk ID] to finish.

I would change a couple of PLU's first and then test it to make sure it's working ok.

This looks a lot but I've tried to show you a step by step guide - Done it from memory so may not be spot on.

Its a whole lot easier to do if you have back office software.


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