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SX-700 Reports

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I am running 3 SX-700s and they are connected via Total Control Software. My problem is with the reports at the tills. I can access all report functions of Total Control but I'm having problems at the tills. When I try to get any till reports I get an error message which says ECR2:CLKS. I thought that this was because someone had forgotton to log themselves out of till 2 so I've tried logging on and then off again with all available fobs but to no avail. I am very stuck. Please help.

Further to the above, I've tried to reprogram another fob as the clerk that didn't log out but I can't seem to do that either!

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I am running 3 SX-700s and they are connected via Total Control Software. My problem is with the reports at the tills. I can access all report functions of Total Control but I'm having problems at the tills. When I try to get any till reports I get an error message which says ECR2:CLKS. I thought that this was because someone had forgotton to log themselves out of till 2 so I've tried logging on and then off again with all available fobs but to no avail. I am very stuck. Please help.

Further to the above, I've tried to reprogram another fob as the clerk that didn't log out but I can't seem to do that either!

When you get to the part of reprogramming the clerk fob push enter then enter this should clear the exsisting one forst then do process again with only one enter then touch the fob to make it clerk 2, this should then log you on to clear anything that clerk may have open.

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Joined: 16 years ago

You might want to try a tracking report for each till.

Turn key to X
Log on
Line down to and press ENTER on X-81-FULL TRACKING REPORT

This will tell you if any clerks have values (even zero values) against them.

You need to do this report individualy on each till because an IRC Report will fail like you say, saying CLERKS.

As for your fobs, the tills can be setup so that when a fob is programmed it automatically sends to the other tills. If you have a problem the till/tills may lock up. Not sure the unassigning of keys will help though. Also remember if you are re-assigning keys that if a key is already assigned to a lower clerk it will always sign-onto that clerk.

Hope this helps!!
