Welcome to EpoS Wizard!
Hi, yes email it to @eposwizard.co.uk">support@eposwizard.co.uk if you like
Hi Dave,
Received your email, thats a flat keyboard.
So, just to keep you informed, we need to reprogram your keys but you cannot do it without an enter key and you unfortunately don't have one. The way round this is to switch the keyboard temporarily over to a default keyboard, then we can reprogram the missing keys, then switch the keyboard back to it's current keyboard with everything up and running again... this is the next step:
Make sure the key is in SP
Turn the power off by the switch down the right hand side of the till
Hold down all 3 keys in a row on the 4th row down from the top left hand corner of the screen (On the picture you sent that will be the keys labelled 1, 2, 3... those are just below @, #, $ so not the main number keys)
Whilst still holding those keys down you need to turn the power back on
If you do this correctly you should see ( F 0 ) appear briefly on the screen.
Let me know how you get on
thank you for this info i am going to go and try it in about an hour a visitor has just turned up and i cannot give it my full attention if i start and get distracted i will probably bollocks it up even more. will this still keep all the programming in the unit that is already there or will i have to programme it all again. Thanks see you in about an hour or when you next on i will keep watching.
Thats fine, No this doesn't lose anything or lose / change any programming. I'll see you back here later on and guarantee I can get you sorted, it'll take 15 mins and then you'll be back up and running.
Hi I'm just about to start, my till dosent have a power switch on the right hand side infact it dosent have one at all. If i just take the plug out will that be o.k. Sorry for acting thick i'm just making sure that it is the mains power and maybe not something within the unit . Also it is still on skroll forward is that where we are staring from.