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Product Item that auto-prints on an SX-700
Is there a way to configure a product to automatically print on the receipt printer on an SX-700? (in the same way that you can make it automatically print on a KP).
Page 151 of the operators manual, suggests that the receipt printer can also be set up as a KP, but doesn't state how.
This needs to happen on only a couple of products.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Thanks for your response, the till is a TP-422 and it is probably connected via serial. We don't have ethernet cards in the tills. (Can they be upgraded?). I will confirm this when I go in tomorrow.
The printer is connected to one of 3 tills and they all use it as the receipt printer.
I also think that we only have the managers code, not the engineer code at the moment.
TP422 can also be used as a dispense printer.
You probably need to tell flag 40 in system function flags that KP1 exists. Then link each PLU to print on KP1.
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