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XE-A212 Help please
We have acquired a till and can not change the date and time on it, need to do this before I can even try and alter the value of items programmed in.
Can some one please tell me how it is acheived?
Hand book says enter DDMMYYY# this comes up as entry error.
What you said is correct for changing the Date it should be:
Turn the key to PGM
Key in the date as DDMMYYYY (So today would be 24032008)
Press #
Are you sure thats exactly what you are doing? Is this cash register brand new out of the box? if it is, have you done the 'Initializing the cash register' procedure on page 9?
Please let me know if you are still struggling, I'll think of some other possible causes.
EPoS Wizard
Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes thats exactly what I'm doing. Im using the MA key and its un PGM position, but the till is not new, its second hand so I need to re programme the date, time, products and values.
There are two sheets for the key board, 1 just black and white and 1 with colours on it (they have different layouts). I am using the black and white sheet is that correct?
thank you for your help
I'm not sure which keyboard layout without looking at them to be honest but i've got a feeling that's were we're going wrong.
Can you describe exactly where your # key is on both of the layouts?
I tried the other keyboard and yes its worked, thanks for suggesting it, I just assumed 1 was for programming and 1 for use with the till. Shows you whouldn't assume anything. Can I ask 1 more question please?
The till roll runs onto the spool and is all under the cover, so how do we get a printout at the end of the day or if the customer needs a receipt? Do we need another roll, which I cant see room for, or does it all go on the same one?
Your help is appreciated.