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Hi guys,
I randomly managed to get to an error screen on my till. only thing the screen says is 'press autokey to esc' but on the screen there are buttons but all of them are blank and I've pressed each on ewith no luck.
I have therefore reset the till on the back of the unit "switch 1". It now says program reset or master reset.
I want to keep all the existing programming on the till, any ideas as to which one I should choose?
Thanks in advance!
Program reset. You'll probably have to log on again afterwards. If you had the receipts turned off, you might have to turn them off again if they start printing all the time (normally in the MISC FUNC list). I hate the way Sharp machines cannot remember receipt status after prog reset. So many times I've had customer ring me to find out how to turn back off after I half cleared, grrr
Thanks for the reply.i managed to reset the till and in back to my normal screens now.only now it seems as though its forgotten or cleared some of the functions like actually processing transactions.when i press payment through card and cash nothing seems to happen.ive tried going through the menu options and cant seem to find the option to reactivate transaction processing.
also whenever i add items to the transaction and 'hold the table' (i run my own restaurant) it keeps printing off a slip.
anyone have any ideas or where i need to go to fix these problems?
thanks in advance again.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it sounds like the program has become corrupted.
Did the original problem just occur after the machine had been unplugged, or was the some some sort of power outage or surge? Those are the normal causes of program corruption along with a badly seated RAM board. The unplugging problem is caused by a dead rechargeable battery inside the machine that's supposed to hold the program when there's no power.
The only sure fix is a master reset and a complete reprogram from scratch I'm afraid.
You may be able to save some of your data with a program like ecrmanager or posutility always assuming the program isn't too far gone and lost the communication protocols.
If it has to be done by hand you can print out your file settings and system presets as they are now so you can set them the same again. Don't be surprised if print outs look garbled though, something like w$at I'm wr%&ing now.
I really hope that's not the case.
i was trying to find an option to leave more space between the bottom line of text and the paper cut off point and arrived at a screen with blank keys and a 'press autokey to exit' message.i then flicked the 'switch 1' off then back on which took me to a screen asking if i wanted to 'program reset' or 'master reset'.
i chose program reset which took me back to my normal till screen.since doing this though i cannot process transactions properly (when customers pay for their bill, i total the amount and press cash for example but nothing happens).Also, when i add or void items from the bill and 'hold the table' it automatically prints the changes,where as it never did this before.
does my explanation still make it seem as though the program is corrupted?bare in mind that when i tell it to print the bill it does it just as it did before all this happened
thanks in advance again