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sharp up-300
hi there i have up-x300 cash register i restore it to default position now i want to put my own stuff name and price ,,i have reach to put the stuff name but cant get to put price or change price option and drawer is also not opening with touch option and i also tried to make 7 login cleric account but only 1 is working rest of them when enter their id it get error message misoperation,,,so please is there any body who help me how to programmed this device and i need just 3 basic things
1) making employee account
2) put item name and also how to change sub item name like (plu0001) to sweets?
3) how to open drawer by using function?
thanks your regards
To answer in order:
1. In employee programming (page 159 of the manual), you can put employee names, secret codes etc, but don't for get to specify a drawer number for them! If you don't, the cash drawer won't open. Also check or uncheck the option to be able to do No Sales (see point 3).
2. In PLU programming (Page 70 of the manual), just overwrite the plu0001 with what you want. The other fields will be filled in automatically (you can change them too if you want obviously).
3. In no sale programming (page 116 of the manual) there are various options for how no sale operates, but remember to set the employees to be able to do a no sale.