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Programming Tax on XEA102
I am trying to program my register to automatically apply tax to
departments 2 and 5. The other departments are non taxable. I am not
really sure where to start. I have tried following the instructions but
with little luck. I am looking to program a 7.25% tax on those two
departments only so that I can punch in the dollar amount followed by the department number and the tax will automatically be applied, is this possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The first thing you would need to do is program the tax rate to be 7.25%. This is done as follows:
Key to Z/PGM
Press 9
Press #/ST
Press 1
Press X/TM
Key in 072500
Press X/TM
Press 0
Press #/ST
Press #/ST again to finish
From your print out I can see that Departments 2 & 5 are already set as taxable so you shouldn't have to do anything to these.
The final thing you need to do is change the Tax Status, do this as follows:
Turn the key to Z/PGM
Press 8
Press #/ST
Press 1
Press #/ST
Press #/ST again to finish
Then you can try a sale and see if it works. If it doesn't, please send me another printout or just type in a reply exactly what you now have.
EPoS Wizard