Welcome to EpoS Wizard!
Word of warning, be carefull in the service position!
First off you can find out how much memory you have by going to SRV position, 01 Reading, 04 File and then have a look at the print out. At the bottom you will see three lines of numbers and letters (the start, current and end memory addresses in hexadecimal).
Have a look at the bottom line and see what it says. Here are the meanings:
7FFFFF - Standard memory, about 3-4 overlapped clerks.
9FFFFF - 2Mb memory, at least 6 overlapped clerks.
BFFFFF - 4Mb memory, lots of overlapped clerks!
To create them, go to SRV position, 02 Setting, 10 File, 56 Overlapped Clerk. Press enter then enter again to create. If it says lacking memory, press cancel and go to 50 Clerks and reduce the amount of clerks, then try creating the overlapped file again. Keep going until it does create the file with no errors. Of course if you do have lots of memory you can increase the amount of clerks.
Hmmm I did this and made two overlapping clerks as we only have the standard memory.
However now I dont seem to be able to open all the GLU's now some come up with No authority error?!
Also when I change the clerk keys the tabs still disapear? - Any ideas why??
Thanks again
You were quicker doing that than I thought! This is the next bit:
First go to SRV position, 01 Reading, 01 System Preset to print out the current settings. Then go to SRV position, 02 Setting, 02 System Preset, then you need to change three lines. The lines are set out ABCD and I only want to change one part of the line so I don't upset any other programming. First line is 909 D needs to be 0. Then line 910 A needs to be 1 and then 919 B needs to be 4.