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change the number keys location on er-a420
Hi there, i have just checked program manual and service manual. there doesnt seem to be any settings to re-assign keys with direct programming on this register.. i know its available on later models but dont think it is on this one..
all Donations to Peter@cgiepos.co.uk
Pete you didnt look hard enough ha ha
You will need a service key:
Enter 950 . X
enter the code for the key number to assign from list below
press where you want to assign it to
repeat for others **
Press TL to finish
IMPORTANT: pressing TL without assigning a key will install the default keyboard layout, so be careful!
1 = zero key
2 = 1 key
3 = 2 key
4 = 3 key
5 = 4 key
6 = 5 key
7 = 6 key
8 = 7 key
9 = 8 key
10 = 9 key
11 = 00 key
12 = 000 key
13 = decimal point
999 = inhibit key
Buy me a drink as a way of saying thanks 🙂
u beat me to it.. i just found it in service manual..
little hint dont use search option in pdf file its crap..
all Donations to Peter@cgiepos.co.uk
BUT - you cannot inhibit any of those keys listed. So unless you master reset you will be stuck with two sets of numeric keys.
I havent tried it on a 420, but i learnt this the hard way many years ago on a 570. (customers site, late friday afternoon and customer needed it for 7am monday morning. And the site was closing in 20 minutes. I learnt a lot about sharp machines that weekend!)