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Sam4S er-420M
Can anyone advise how to get back to taking a daily till reading in the correct moneth. Since May ours has stayed in April and not moved on to May and yet when the previos month changed it went over no problem.
I am not sure if it is something we are doing wrong or whether we have done something to make this happen.
I am so grateful to ASndy who has been a gem but even he has not come across this one!
Thank you
I know i said i had never come across the date slipping b4 but resetting it is a piece of cake!
didn't know that is what you wanted.
turn key to p mode type 1300 in to sub total button
enter the date in the order month month/day day /yeay year eg today = 060511
press x/time button
while you are here, can correct the time too by entering it 24hr military style eg now = 1746
press x/time key
finalise once again by pressing cash
Hi Andy
Sorry to trouble you again but I am trying to programme a plu for 5% VAT and seem to be doing something wrong. I have turned the key to P, entered 05.000 then 2 but the till screems at me before I get any further. The other thing is that I can't remember what you use for the Tax Shift key, can you help please?
Thanks in advance.
you will need to program the tax shift button onto the keyboard the code depends on your tax level'
i assume that you used tax shift 1 FOR 20% ?
If so, use tax shift 2 for programming the 5%.
turn the key to s mode enter 70 into sub total.
enter 135 [assuming tax2] into an unused button on the keyboard
press cash.
next set the rate
turn the key to program mode
enter 06 press decimal point, 00020 into the newly created tax shift button [making another assumption that you are using vat extract not adding vat at the point of sale - if you are adding tax at this point, simply substitute the 2 for a zero]
finalise on cash key.
thats it for the tax setting but dont forget to allocate the new rate to one of your 12 plu buttons as part of its status programming. [see page88 of the manual]