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sam4s 530 about reports
could someone help me ? i don´t know what is the meaning of any terms that are printed on financial reports for example : what is ¨+PLU TTL¨ ¨-PLU TTL¨ ¨ ADJUSTED TTL¨ ¨TAX SALES¨ ¨ TRANS VOID¨ ¨GROSS SALES¨
could someone explain me ? please
PLU = PRODUCT LOOK UP [what you have sold basically] the + is a positive valued product - is a negative valued product -ive never come across anyone who pays somebody to take away one of their products lol i would expect that to be zero value
Adjusted total - [after any refunds voids etc dependent on how you have set up the buttons to operate ]
tax sales - er sales that are taxable doh!
there is a cancel sale button - when used, it is recorded against transaction void with a count of the number of times used and the value of those transactions had they completed
gross sales - all monies collected prior to adjustments
f/s in drawer - if i hadn't seen your next question, i would have struggled with this as ive never seen it used its food stamps in drawer - same as cheques in drawer or credit in drawer etc
food stamp credit - im guessing at another method of payment button
this wouldn't by any chance be used in a school would it?
ah thank you very much , and another y last question what is mode void ? what is the diferrence between that mode and function key void?
function key void is accessable on the keyboard in register during a sale.
void mode is void on lock -it reverses every feasture that happens in reg mode