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ER-5200M - Debit Card Receipt?
Can anyone help? I want to be able to give a receipt when anyone pays by debit/credit card. I know you could have the 'receipt on' all the time, but I don't want to give receipts for 'cash'. If someone does want a receipt for 'cash', then I can press the 'cash' button again and get the receipt. You might say 'turn the receipt on when processing cards', but I might not know its a card until I ask customer for money in which case its to late to turn the 'receipt on'. The function key I'm using for card processing is 'CHARGE1' . Thanks
just trawled the book - it seems that this function is not available on this model.
The Cash button when pressed last acts as a receipt issue button, so if you finalise the sale with your crdit card button, press cash after and it will print a receipt. If that makes sense!
Cornwall Scale + Equipment Ltd
0333 577 0108