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Discount on taxible sales
I have a ER-380/er Register I have only two keys, Taxible and non-taxible. I am trying to program a %8 discount on the taxible key so I can give a discount to some customers. I want to discount the taxible sales by %8 and then add tax. I would appriciate any help.
only way i can see to do that is to add tax at the point of sale
I think you have to use POS system for manage your sale. Point of sale system different to the other system it have also huge productivity of your business. In this system you have to manage all product discount and taxes rates.
lessons in english before teaching epos Browen
ive been in the trade for 35years and didn't understand a single word of your reply
people come on here for clear succinct answers - your replies are neither clear - nor succinct or - in fact answers