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XN900 Active Business Software v3.04

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My in-laws have 3 Checkout XN900 tills and a PC running Windows 2000(!) and XN Active Business Software in their pub.

My background is IT but EPOS systems are a new area for me; so the learning curve is steep and unplanned.

The system is evidently old, and suffers "slow downs" I'm told; no surprise as the PC has had no maintenance in what sounds like years.

It's running the XN900 Active Business Software and has most of the Windows Start button programs missing; I'm guessing the original engineer set it up with an end user mode for the software and end user Windows logon, and there is an admin logon for both Windows and the software itself.

I can't reboot and look at the logon options for Windows…they're trading as I type at the bar.

Questions I have:

- is there an admin logon for the software I can access whilst logon as a normal user, and if so, how do I bring up that screen? Is there a keyboard shortcut?
- is there an over-ride password or standard to get into the above…the engineer in question is long gone...
- does anybody have an engineer's manual for this software (no luck online so far) as the built-in help is aimed at the end user with no section on maintenance tasks

I'm told there's a maintenance task that can run by the engineer to export/print old records. Straight away I suspect that needs doing to free up physical disk space for Windows to use as virtual memory, as well as standard maintenance tasks like a disk clean up, old school style defrag…once I can get to a "normal" Windows logon (or trigger them via shortcuts and link from Windows Help).

Does that sound correct? Advisable over night?

Any advice/links/tips really appreciated - also open to finding somebody in the Sheffield area to work on this.



2 Replies
Posts: 162
Joined: 14 years ago

Wow I didnt realise you could get xn900 with other software on i thought ICRTouch made them lol If you google it that's pretty much all that comes up. We bought and installed loads and loads of them about 5 years ago!

Is it running Windows CE do you know?

Have you tried talking to ICRTouch they might be able to help you?


Posts: 6
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Joined: 13 years ago


What is the problem? Yes there is an Admin logon but I certainly won't be giving it to you, especially online!

Windows 2000 is pretty standard but it depends what the customer wants and pays for...

If they have a support contract I would suggest they call the helpdesk number supplied with their contract.

The reason there is hardly anything in the START folder is to limit the user screwing their own system.

There are no user manuals for this software, this is because the knowledge is within the company that wrote the software, as is the helpdesk that they should be ringing for support.

Don't think about playing with virtual memory. From experience I know that the PCs installed on sites - at the users request - are cheap and cannot do much more than support the tills.

Depending on the setup, the tills can run Windows CE. I have seen many XN900 series tills running CE. That said, this is not a standard.

Also, no disrespect to Gemmie, but IRC Touch do not make these tills / this software, so not sure how much they can help.

Any genuine questions, PM me. I'm pretty confident I can help you.
