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Sprinter Wireless monitor POS/ ECR unit settings

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Posts: 26
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Joined: 14 years ago

Hi All,

Our Sprinter wireless connection to one of our printers stopped working. I've checked cable and all kinds of things, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe someone has fiddled with the DIP switch settings. Some monkeys started to play at random and now I'm unsure about those settings,. Does anyone have the manual.

There are a set of 4 switches on the back of the printer. I have no idea what each one is for

I also got into thinking that maybe there is now too much wireless noise in the area with new WIFI networks springing up every day. Could this be a factor? I cant find the manual on-line but some shops are still selling these units and I bet a lot of resto's are still using them:

Does anyone know a known working configuration for two printer?

thanks again,


4 Replies
Posts: 371
Joined: 16 years ago

At the printer set the dip switches as
1 off
2 off
3 on
4 on

At the POS press the learn button for a few seconds
It will search for the printer and then the light against number 1 should stay solid.
Press the learn button again to come out of search mode.

Set all dip switches off at the printer.

Then try again. If you are still having problems then try moving the units closer to see if there is a distance issue.



Posts: 26
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Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago

Thats really helpful thanks for that. Is it the same did switch settings to set up two recievers (i.e: does each reciever have it's own unique ID or is this set by the dip switches?).

Thanks a million CGI

Posts: 371
Joined: 16 years ago

if you have one sender and two receivers then you can change the dip switches on the receivers for the port it is connected to.

I think they are as follows
1 off 2 off = id1
1 on 2 off = id2
1 off 2 on = id3
1 on 2 on = id4

Dip switches 3 and 4 are turned on for search mode on each receiver.
When each receiver is found it wil print a small test print with its id.


Posts: 26
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Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago

I finally gave up and hard wired the printers using Cat-5 network cables. Could be some WI-FI networks are causing noise in the area (i tried just about everything but I finally gave up).

At least i was able to recycle the 25 pin connectors with my setup.
