Welcome to EpoS Wizard!
Query Internet Database for Product Title
This is a website for supporting EPoS hardware and software, not for the sort of thing you're after.
You'll probably find the Google / Amazon / eBay do offer this kind of API, but they will likely charge you a significant sum of money for the use of it.
This is EPOS related as I am scanning Store Barcodes into a sheet, as part of a process to get the bricks and mortar shop more visibility in local search through the Use of an Online web provider and Google Partner called Pointy
My end goal is to be able to take the Barcodes I have scanned and then find a Product name for each barcode
We can then look around the shop and put prices next to names and later on use it potentially as the basis of an EPOS System
You'd be much better off biting the bullet now, buying a proper EPoS system which will do what you're trying to achieve, and do it the right way from the beginning, rather than trying to do a half-arsed workaround that you then won't be able to integrate into an EPoS system later when you want to.