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ePos help and advise
Evening All
I’m hoping that the wealth of knowledge in this forum maybe able to help and offer guidance before I make a purchase.
I’m looking for an epos system for our business.Ideally it would have integration with the following sales channels
Physical Retail Store.
Own website - currently word press running Woo Commerce
Retail products sales
Service operation sales
customer database
Real Time stock inventory management across all channels
Multiple pricing
Full back office reports, stock, profit, margin etc.
Stock take
Label printing / barcode generation
Supplier order generation by demand
Any advise is greatly welcome
To be honest, what you're asking for is outside the scope of this forum. I'd normally recommend ICR TouchPoint software, which will do a lot of what you want;-
Physical retail store
Can link to WooCommerce via back-office add-ons
Can do all the lower stuff, within limits, depending on exactly what you want to achieve. It won't link to eBay or Amazon though
For what you're looking at it's a very specialist piece of software, and likely to be an expensive outlay
Thanks S1mon I have had a couple of potential solutions offered but the cost is way beyond what we can currently
Afford to spend 25k plus first year and between 12-18k on going.
Looks like I will have to compromise on certain aspects
lol crazy prices!
yes icr is definitely the way forward - the rolls royce of epos imho