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User manual for Geller Systematic 2000
We (our allotment society that is) have been given the above cash register to use in our hut. Unfortunately there were no till rolls or ink with the machine. I have been able to locate them on the net, but I'm not sure if there are any parts missing on the machine, and I am unable to locate a user manual for it.
Is there anyone on here who would be able to help us in our quest to get it working.
Thanks All, Roger.
can u posta picture and confirm model - i've never heard of this - neither have my associates
This is a pretty old model of cash register. I know it came either with 20 or 30 department keyboard. Do you know whether or not it even works? You might find after fitting ribbon/rolls that it won't operate anyway.
I have some very basic program settings if you find it needs ram-clear