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Dealers manual provides instruction for WEIGHT variable UPC 12 digit
pgm 3 sub 0140 sub 7005000000062F1F20 ca/amt sub
But it does not provide for PRICE variable 12 digit UPC
WHICH, say for a code 213579803000 where
First digit F1 = 2, means a variable measure
Second digit- 6th Digit F2=1, F3=3, F4=5, F5=7, F6=9 are the item ID number
F7=8 is the price check digit
F8,F9,F10,F11 (0300) is the Price
and Last digit F12=0 is the code check digit.
how WOULD one program the 0140 entry for such price variable UPC 12 digit? If you use the dealers manual instruction, it will fail because it is not for a price variable code, and there is no entry for 12 digit codes with price check digit. The 13 digit ean cannot be used because the code lengths dont match. I AM STUMPED!!!!
CAN anyone please tell me where I have gone wrong?
If I enter a unit price in the qty/price entry, at 0070, then it becomes a fixed, not a variable barcode.