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cv-10 software?

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I also have te-100 but struggling to find cv-10 for it. Please help me, as i have been looking everywhere for it :cry:
I am using windows 7 32 bit, but if there isnt a match for this version i would try obtaining older windows version.(it will be easier finding different windows than finding cv-10 !Yes )

Will be grateful for any assistance.


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I'm also in the need for the CV-10 software for a Casio TE-100
So if any one can help I would be most thank full.

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:lol: If you want CV software, it is available on line for download, at http://www.cash-register.info/acatalog/ ... _link.html, for a next to nothing price of $15

If you want real software that takes the hassles out of retail management of Casio Registers, then go to this site: Till Manager, at www.astutesoftware.com The software and support is outstanding. Casios are great registers but a nightmare for non technical people who should be focused in making retail business work, and not spend their valuable time of making machines work. That said, Till Manager gives you the ability to manage inventory, something that Casio is unable to do. That is why Till Manager from New Zealand is the used by dealers to sell their registers. If you are serious about your retail business look at it. They are not CASIO programmers to solve specific casio register set ups. That is a dealers job and some of the people in this forum can help!!!

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i think moderator should review this topic, as it seems that people are using it to advertise themselves(plus sending private adds).
This software as i am aware is free and forums like this should promote free source applications. i am willing to donate to the site but not buy this application as casio is no longer selling and their copyright for it have expired, which means its a freeware now.

Thanks to the honest few that will help me to obtain this application.

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