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Casio se-c300 init code
I'd be very grateful if someone could help me with an "initialize code" / "mac code" (are they the same thing?) for a Casio SE-C300. I used one that i found on a forum but it has set all the flat keys to PLUs, when they used to be dept keys.
It will be used in a shop & cafe so both scanning and check tracking required. But most importantly i want the flat keys to all be departments.
Did you use 10000?
For depts it is 17200.
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Thanks that did work. Dept buttons working fine. However the only thing I'm still stuck with is the "New" and "Old" buttons for check tracking don't work. I've re-allocated them as new and old, but whenever i press
1 New or 1 Old the till just bleeps and no error message is displayed.
Does check tracking need turning on? Any help would be much appreciated.
Some more on this... after a transaction if you press post receipt - it prints a receipt as usual. If you press it again, obvioulsy it has printed a receipt so doesn't print another, but it bleeps and says "Error Chk / tbl is not open" as if i'd pressed "# 'Old'"
Also when printing a post receipt, it always prints Chk 0000002 on the receipt (even though we're not yet using chk numbers). 2 is my clerk #. for Clerk 1 it always prints chk 0000001.
Its as it it's using the clerk numbers as a chk number.
ANy help on this would be much appreciated and rewarded!